Mom-ing Through The Stages...

MOM-ING THROUGH THE STAGES... Just spent some time reminiscing this morning....

(What would you add to this list?) ☺️


Bags under your eyes

Putting on the same clothes you left in a pile on the floor the night before

Debating between a shower or just another layer of deodorant

Trying not to squirt milk everywhere during sex

Finding half drunk bottles of milk turned into solid curdled “air fresheners” on a hot day under the seats in your minivan.

All the Dreft

Doing the “mom sway” even when you’re not holding your baby.

Wanting help with the baby from anyone who is willing, but also being annoyed that they are doing it wrong.

Always smelling like spit up.

Counting the minutes until Moms Night Out with the girlfriends

It is also…

The warmest sleeping baby cuddles.

The fresh “after baby bath” smell

The initial panic the morning you wake up and realize it’s morning and you weren’t awoken by the baby once. Followed by a sense of hope when you realize they are fine, they just slept through the night for the first time.

Seeing their first smile and hearing their first giggle.


Wondering why you didn’t shower more when you had a baby who wasn’t mobile yet

Primary colored plastic toys absolutely killing your home’s vibe

Slobbery wet kisses.

Chasing your new runner.

Buying all the Puffs.

Wishing cribs came with lids. And locks.

Reading the same storybook over and over.

Diluting juice with lots of water when they’re not looking.

Stepping on toys in the middle of the night

Scouring Facebook resale pages for cute 2T clothes because you know better than to spend $50 on an outfit they’re going to grow out of in a few weeks

Praying the batteries run out of the toy that won’t shut up but of course is their favorite.

Being touched, pulled on, and needed All. Day. Long.

And giving your husband the “don’t even think about it” look, when he tries to cop a feel, because you are just DONE being touched for the day.

Or… Deciding to sneak a quickie in with the hubby during nap time, only to hear “MOMMY!” 3 minutes in. And you have to decide whether to just push through or give up and try another day.

It is also…

Being told “I love you, mommy” 25 times a day.

Getting all the cuddles when they’re really sleepy

Lots of coloring pictures given to you as “gifts”

Feeling victory that the “Terrible Twos” wasn’t all that bad.. only to realize it’s the “Threenager”you needed to really fear.

Finding the best babysitter, but not wanting to tell your friends, so they don’t steal her and keep her too busy for when you need her.

Budgeting for date nights and moms nights out because #sanity


Fake laughing at poop jokes

Telling little faces with giant new front teeth how beautiful they are

Answering All The Questions

Packing school lunches every morning, while the kids complain that we don’t have good lunch food

Teaching good hygiene you assumed they would know by now.

Finding the best time to have sexy time with your hubby is on his lunch break while the kids are at school.

Helping them explore their gifts and talents.. which means sports (or music) every day of the week.

Navigating “friend drama” and hurt feelings

Birthday parties. All the birthday parties.

Play dates, park dates, and sleepovers

It is also…

Still getting hugs and cuddles, but not always in public

Having to carry them up the stairs after they fall asleep in the car on a late drive home and thinking your back might actually break.

Seeing personalities come to life

Realizing your kids know more about technology than you do


Choosing to not be offended by eye rolls

Gagging as you open their door… and then making deodorant mandatory, with legit consequences if they forget.

Being a Taxi Driver Sports, sports and more sports.. (Or whatever the extracurricular activity of choice)

Time management

Friend drama

Going shopping and arguing over what is appropriate or looks good

Cell phone battles

Realizing that you genuinely enjoy their company…at times

Friends starting to make different choices, thus friendships change/grow apart…

Speaking truth and reminding them of their true identity, as they battle insecurities

Having the most quiet sexy time, because you don’t know who will need more counseling if they hear you - you or them

It is also…

Wondering how they skipped the “awkward stage”

Deep conversations

Genuinely laughing at their jokes

Teaching skin care routines

Navigating first crushes

Savoring being their taxi driver

Eavesdropping conversations as you are the taxi driver


Wait a minute, you’re freaking funny!

Wow, you’re so handsome/beautiful. When did that happen??

Wow, that was actually a really wise and thoughtful thing to say.

Holy moly, you are talented.

Technology management

Social media guidance

Relationship guidance

Cheering the loudest in the stands

Giving advice, and having some of it received well

Navigating first jobs

Not caring if your kids know you have sexy time, because hey, at least they'll know you and dad are still madly in love and you have other fish to fry than pretending you don't have sex.

Editing your social media posts because they are now on social media too and can see everything you say.

Profound conversations that actually change the way you think

Navigating broken hearts

Venmo-ing them gas money

It is also…

Asking them for fashion advice

Learning the newest skin care routine from them

Holding them while they cry over stress, studying, and relationships

Missing being their Taxi driver

Dreaming together

Realizing your child is also one of your dearest friends


Lots of love, lots of grace.

Lots of learning in each place

Lots of laughter, sometimes tears

Lots of mistakes through the years

But the grace, oh that grace

Lots for you and tons for me

I’m so thankful for this space

To safely learn and grow and be

So when a new stage is upon us

There will be no shame or strife

Just a grace-filled love to walk with

On this sacred journey we call life.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there.

Nothing but love and grace for you and your journey. <3