Rehab: Day 4 (written on Day 5! Oops!) :)

I ended up writing a blog last night on Living Honest, and forgot to give a little recap of Jon's rehabilitation! So sorry!

But I wanted to still share because there was lots to celebrate!!

(Oh, and today's t-shirt says "The greatest of these is Love" for those keeping track at home. I swear, these shirts WILL have their own blog someday...) ;) 

First, Jon walked without a walker! He has to be held by his therapist on his safety belt, and she did catch him a few times, but he did it!!! SO proud!

PS - this pic is him practicing his "arm swing." We all have a stride when we walk and our arms move naturally. Jon is re-learning his. So amazing. 

Then he got to do an exercise where he bent down to touch cones. The Dr does not want him bending down at all (have to keep the head upright), but this really showed his strength and balance improving. 

He also got to "play catch" with a ball - you can see here he did some of it balancing on one foot! Although the therapist encouraged him to start slow, he did it "Hot Potato" style - as fast as he could. ;) Par for the course with this guy..

One bummer thing, is Jon's license has been revoked. Of course we understand, and he clearly wouldn't attempt driving right now... But he'll have to go through many steps to get it back. (Which we know he will do in no time at all!) Today he took some preliminary tests to show where he's at with all of that. This will be used as a baseline to show his progress in the coming weeks & months. 

And me? Well I got to wear this necklace that a stranger bought for me after reading this blog. Strangers who love strangers astound me. My favorite part is the elephant charm - which reminds me of my post 'Elephant in the Room' - and to to Live Out Loud. 

God has been so faithful. He is so good.  He is gracious and kind. We see His healing hand on Jon every day. 

We are grateful.