Jon's Having An Unplanned MRI....

Hello there.
Yes, you. The one who chose to read this blog, knowing it's about Jon and his brain tumor journey. Thanks for being here. Still.
It's been awhile since I've written on this topic. I'm sitting here trying to figure out why that is. It's not because there's nothing to say. I think it's because we got tired of talking about it. Or maybe we thought you were tired of hearing about it. Hmmm... Not sure. Well, regardless, we're here again, asking for prayer.

For the past little while, Jon has not been feeling his best. Several times while walking up the stairs, he has tripped or lost his balance. Then a few weeks ago, Jon fell off of a ladder. (Jon has always had really great balance. I mean, he even climbed Mt Whitney last year, post surgery! So this is not "normal" for him.) A few days after his fall, he put in a really long, physically intense work day in Mexico where he led our church on a trip to build a house for a family in need. Since that day, his body has been completely worn out and has not been able to recover. Anyway, there are some other issues he has been experiencing, but the bottom line is his Neurosurgeon has decided he would like to do an MRI to see if the tumor is growing again and causing these issues. (His routine MRI was not scheduled for several more months)
So tonight, at 9pm, Jon is going to the hospital for his MRI.

I will be honest for Jon here. (I think he'll give me this freedom) :) Jon does't know which he is more scared of:
1) the possibility that they find something in the MRI
2) the possibility that they will find nothing in the MRI, but instead, they'll tell Jon this is just his 'new normal.'

Either way, he's scared. Would you pray for him? Ultimately, of course our prayer is that they find NOTHING bad in this MRI. Our prayer is always that the tumor would be gone! And at the same time, we continue to pray for healing from what is going on. Complete healing. Healing in Jon's balance, his endurance, his strength... Healing for his eye, his facial paralysis, even his hearing. God is able!

Thank you.
Thank you for praying. Again. And again.

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen. - Ephesians 3:20