MRI Day...

"When my heart is overwhelmed and I cannot hear Your voice
I'll hold on to what is true, though I cannot see.
When the storms of life, they come, and the road ahead gets steep
I will lift these hands in faith.
I will believe.
I remind myself of all that You've done
And the life I have because of Your son."

If you have our new worship CD, you know this is how the CD starts. There's no musical introduction. It's just these words. Sung by Jon. The words pierce my soul every single time.

This morning I sing them with a lump in my throat.
Tonight at 7:30pm, Jon has his MRI.
We've waited 6 months for this MRI, although we haven't thought much about the MRI in the past 6 months while waiting. We try to just "live in the now" and let tomorrow's worries stay there. Tomorrow. But when tomorrow becomes today, it takes my breath away.

This tumor has grown in the past. This tumor has also not grown in the past. It is not predictable nor does it "act as it should," as our surgeon has previously told us. (However previously operated-on brain tumor's are supposed to act..??)

And so we enter the next 5 days of 'MRI test until MRI results' with the same posture we've tried to take during this whole journey: Prayerfully open handed. God, you are sovereign. God, we trust you. God, you are faithful. God, you are good. God, we ask for healing. God, we ask for healing. God, we plead for healing. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Would you join us in that? Would you worship God with us? He is SO worthy. And would you plead for healing with us? He is SO able.

We will keep you posted on Monday, as we meet with Jon's neurosurgeon at 3pm for the results.

Love you and thank you for journeying with us. Still.