Happy Birthday, Jon...

I have watched Jon in a season of abundance.

I have watched him in a season of need.

I have watched Jon in a season of adventure.

I have watched him in a season of desperation.

I have watched Jon in a season of testing.

I have watched him in a season of loss.

I have watched Jon in a season of blessings.

I have watched him in a season of uncertainty.

I have watched Jon in a season of want.

I have watched him in a season of contentment.

I have had a front row seat in his life and also a backstage pass.

I have seen him in public.

I have seen him in private.

There is brokenness and faithfulness.

Together.  Brokenness and faithfulness.

It is beautiful.

Not perfect.  Beautiful.

Happy Birthday to the man I call

my husband

my friend

my partner

my lover

my confidant

my good and perfect gift.

It is my joy to celebrate you today.