Your Prayers Matter. (Duh.) Thank You...

So this past Tuesday I posted a little update on Jon and myself. I asked for prayer for a couple of things. Things that are far off and things that are around the corner. You prayed. YOU prayed. It never ceases to amaze me that you pray. And how it changes things.

The next day, Wednesday, I saw I had a missed call and a voicemail from a number I didn't recognize. When I got a chance to listen, I heard my Orthopedic Dr's voice leaving a message to touch base. I was shocked. I've been trying to get test results from him for weeks now. He is not a "call my patients" type of doctor. My Christmas Eve doctor's appointment has been booked for about 3 weeks and any attempt to get squeezed in earlier has failed. I immediately called his office back, but of course didn't get through to him so I just left (another) message. A few hours later, I thought to myself - I wonder what number he originally called me from earlier today? Maybe I'll just call that back. So I did. And he answered.... because it was his cell phone. LOL! He was a little flustered that I was calling on that number and then realized he had squeezed in the call to me on the run - so I now had his personal number. (LOL again!) He was very gracious though, and then proceeded to tell me about my MRI and bone scan results. He said the tumor in my bone is stagnant. It does not show any life in it nor is it eating away at my bone. It's basically just there. And shouldn't cause problems right now. He was thrilled with the MRI and bone scan results.

Friends, the reality is that I asked you to pray that I would get in to the Dr sooner than later. Then the next day, the doctor, who I've called every couple of days for weeks, calls me. On his cell! What are the chances?!? I've been trying to get my results, but they repeatedly told me I had to wait for my appointment, because they do NOT read results over the phone. No exceptions. Well, unless you have an army of people praying. ;) And yes, the results are what I expected - benign. But beyond benign, the tumor is harmless to me. No surgery needed. This is what we have been praying for! That the tumor would be "nothing." I mean, this is the closest thing to disappearing (like my cyst!!) as you can get! Now obviously, the pain is still there, so there are more tests to run and possibilities to explore, but for today, we celebrate this victory. We thank YOU for praying. And we thank God for hearing our prayers and answering them in this way.

PS. I'm writing from Palm Springs. My feet are up. The kids are sleeping. I have a cup of hot cocoa next to me. I am remembering. Celebrating. Pondering. Feeling. I will hit "post" on this, and then write another blog right now. Just because I can. :)