Shrek, A Poem, and Mommy's Head in a Hole. (Not to be confused with Daddy's Hole in the Head) Ba dum bum chhh! ;)

While the craziness was happening with daddy, Jackson and Taylor were cast in the musical "Shrek" at Ladera Performing Arts! They had auditioned for the show earlier in the day on Oct. 1st - the day I took Jon to the hospital and he was admitted. From that night on, life became all about daddy, and that has become our temporary new normal. However, today, while I sat watching them at practice, I marveled at their accomplishments and talent. Taylor was cast as Teen Fiona (yes, big solo!) and a Dwarf. :) And Jackson? Jackson was cast as the Donkey. The Donkey!!!! A hilariously funny lead role! Come on!! How cool is that?!? This was my view today:

You know how they found out the "big news" that they had been cast in the show? Over the phone.  When mommy called from daddy's hospital room. SO not ideal. :( 

A few days after Shrek was cast, I got a mass email from Jackson's teacher at school, written to all the parents, saying how great all the kids did on reciting poems in front of the class. She said she gave them a choice - they could either recite a poem as a group (to help them feel comfortable) or they could recite it alone. I read it thinking, what poem?? 

I asked Jackson about it and he said, "Ya, I picked a poem and memorized it." 

"Did you say it in front of the class??" I asked. 

"Yup." He said. 

"Did you do it with a group of kids?" I asked, assuming he did. 

"No, I decided to do it alone." He said, and then proceeded to recite the poem to me.

I was stunned. Proud. And heartbroken. My sweet son had done all this. On his own. I imagined him practicing it. Over and over. We usually did that at home. Together. The family sits on the couch and is the audience. I felt horrible that he had gone through the whole thing, and I didn't even know it was happening. 

This journey has been hard. On everyone. It's been scary. And exhausting. Not just for us adults, but just as much, if not more, for the kids. And they have been troopers. Never complaining, never moping, always understanding. But it doesn't make The Situation go away. Nor does The Situation make time stand still. Nope. Life still happens. Real life to these kids. School projects. Community theater.  And when I've been smart enough and brave enough to pull my head above ground for a moment, I've seen some amazing kids doing some amazing things. I'm astounded by their strength. 

You think God's grace has just covered Jon's physical recovery?  Not even close. God has cared for our kids, protected them, loved them... He has filled in the embarrassingly wide gaps this mom has left. 

As our journey continues, I know we will have more and more "above ground" moments..until we find we are back to fully living in that space. I know that day will come. At least I'm told it will. Until then, I pray for God's continued grace over our kids. His grace IS enough. For them. For me. For Jon. For you. For real. 

Wait, did I mention my son is the Donkey?! The Donkey!!!!!! 
