Rehab: Day 2

Well, I went home to do OC Kids Choir (I know, I know! But I just couldn't cancel choir again for 50 kids!) and I accidentally left both my computer charger and phone charger in the garage. Oops! So with 16% left of battery on my phone, I will share with you a quick snapshot of our day.  (And before I begin, don't even start me on the shirt.  "Shalom" yesterday.  "People of the Second Chance" today.  His t-shirts could be a blog of their own!!)

There was a lot of this:

And this:

And even this:

(His balance was one of the areas effected by the tumor - he's getting better and better every day. His goal? Surfing, of course!)

Then he got to do this:

A short walk outside was just what the doctor ordered.

Literally. ;) 

After 9 days in the hospital, this was like a breath of fresh air.


LOL! Man, I'm killing myself here! Ba dum bum chhh! 

(Can you tell it's been a long day?!) :)

He also got to try this:

A little electroshock therapy to help stimulate those facial nerves and muscles. We'll see if they respond...

And finally, when all was said and done, we ended the night with these 2: 

Family game night makes everything right in the world. Or at least everything right in our little world. 

Sweet dreams, friends. 

Our hearts are full.