Now You See It.... Now You DON'T!
Are you ready for this???
Brace yourself because it is THAT awesome.
1. The pathology report came back.... and the tumor was BENIGN!!!!!! (insert deep exhale, tears, happy dance, whatever the heck you do to celebrate God's goodness)
2. Our neurosurgeon just showed us Jon's before and after MRI. Now you see it... Now you don't!!! (hint: the big white circle on the left pic is the tumor in the brain.)
The neurosurgeon did an amazing job! We are SO grateful...
The tiny bit that is left, we will watch via MRI's and if it ends up growing again, we will do radiation.
But look at that pic!!
3. Jon was accepted into the Acute Rehab Unit here at Mission Hospital and our insurance approved it! Getting into the Rehab Unit is a really big deal - it is very well known as having an incredible program. We have been told Jon's rehabilitation will be much better, stronger and faster by being in this program. It is a live-in facility and Jon will probably be there 7-10 days. As much as he'd prefer to be home with the kids, in the long run he will benefit greatly from this, so we are more than thrilled!!
OK.. I'm sure you can hardly stand all this good news all at once, so I'll stop there. ;)
God's mercies are new every morning - and this morning's came with an abundant, over-the-top grip load! :)
We are GRATEFUL!!!!!
Thank you for celebrating with us!!!